Colour Analysis

I use the seasonal method. I use Colour & Style harlequin capes and Kettlewell Accurate Colour Drapes to work out if you are a spring, summer, autumn or wonter and which shade make your skin glow.  A colour analysis session usually takes about 2 - 3 hours.

You’ll leave knowing your season, with a starred colours sheet and a handy swatch of colours that you can use to check and see if the item you’re thinking of buying will really suit you.

Colour boost your confidence with a colour analysis and coaching session.

Colour pairing

Have you ‘had your colours done’ but you’re not really sure how to build an outfit or which colours go with what? Do you want to be a bit more daring with your colour combinations? Or tone it down a bit? Book in for a colour coaching session.

We’ll double-check your colour analysis and talk about the kind of situations you find yourself in on a daily basis, and what kind of image you want to project. Then we’ll consider a range of colours that you can really see yourself wearing.

Colour review &

Did you have your colour analysis some time ago? Maybe you’re not sure if your colours are still working for you? Perhaps your hair is a different colour or your skin tone has changed as you’ve got a bit older?

Book in for a review and re-rate and we’ll double-check your colour analysis and see if it needs to move on. Perhaps you’ve moved from spring to autumn?

We’ll also look at colour pairings to make sure you’re making the most of the range of colours that suit you best.